Saturday, May 2, 2009

Carrot cake

This is simple dish for tea time.. Nice and easy to make. This is What u need:
1 white carrot medium size
100 g dried prawn, soak for 15 mnts
100 gr chicken breast meat, cut small chunk
10 dried mashroom, soak, cut small bites
250 gr rice flour
50 gr tapioca flour
250 ml water
350 ml water
1 tsp salt
2 tbs chicken powder
2 tbs oyster sauce
3 garlic mince
3 shallots mince
1 fresh red chili slice
Some fried shallots
1 stalk spring onion cut short
How to make
Peel carrot skin, wash and grate it.
Saute garlic and shallots for 3 minutes, add in mashrooms, chicken meat, and dried prawn.
Stir fry for another 5 minutes add in grated carrot.
Cook it for 5 minutes, add 250 ml water, stir it, cover for 7 minutes.
Add in salt, chicken powder, and oyster sauce, stir it.
Combine the flour with 350 ml water, slowly add to the carrot mixture, stir slowly for 2 minutes, off the fire.
Grease baking tray with abit of oil, depth around 10 cm.
Pour the mixture, press it abit, n steam for 25 minutes.
Garnish with fried shallots, chilli, spring onion.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Eggtoufu with prawn filling

Somebody was complaining to write in english version, dis one is for u
What u need:
3 pcs eggtoufu
100 gr fresh prawn
1 tbs light soya sauce
A dash of pepper
2 stalk corriander leaves
2 tbs oyster sauce
3 tbs water
2 clove garlic, mince
2 tbs corn flour
1 tbs rice flour
3 tbs water
How to cöok
Cut eggtoufu each in to two, deep fry, set aside, leave it cool.
Carefully dig inside the eggtoufu out, put on small bowl, mix with fresh prawn, season with light soya sauce and pepper, stuff it bck inside the toufu.
Mix the batter mixture, dip each eggtoufu in and fry, set aside ön serving plate.
Saute garlic with abit of oil, add in the sauce ingredients, stir fry for 3 minutes, pour over eggtoufu.
Garnish with corriander leaves.

Roasted chicken / ayam panggang

Resep ini hasil karya sendiri, biasa di makan sama hainan chicken rice.
1 ekor ayam, buang kepala dan kaki
1 tbs garam
Sos marinate
1 tbs minyak wijen
1/4 tsp mrica bubuk
3 tbs kecap asin
5 tbs sos tiram
1/4 tbs gula pasir
Cara memasak
Bersihkan ayam, luar dan dalam, balur rata dengan garam, diamkan 15 menit.
Sementara itu, campur semua bahan marinate.
Cuci ayam bagian luar saja, setelah itu, campur rata dengan bahan marinate, tutup dg plastic wrap, masukan ke dalam fridge selama 2 jam.
Panggang di oven 160 C, selama 50 menit.

kue terang bulan / martabak manis

350 tepung terigu
1 butir telur
1 tbs ragi instant/ yeast
1 tbs susu bubuk
1/2 tsg garam
1 tsp bicarbonate soda/ soda kue
1/2 tsp baking powder
60 gr gula pasir
1 tbs vanili powder
550 ml air
100 gr kacang tanah tumbuk kasar ( sangrai )
60 gr gula pasir
2 tbs honey/ madu
60 gr rice chocolate/ mesyes ( prefered)
50 gr susu kental manis
3 tbs margarine
Cara membuat
Larutkan ragi instant dg 2 sendok makan air hangat.
Sementara itu, campurkan tepung, baking powder, garam, gula,vanili,soda kue,susu bubuk, kedalam mangkok besar, aduk rata.
Masukan larutan ragi instant.
Kocok telur, campurkan dg air, aduk rata, tuang ke dalam adonan tepung.
Aduk rata, diamkan selama 1 jam, tutup dg kain bersih.
Untuk membuat isi, campurkan semua bahan, kecuali margarine.
Panaskan wajan anti lengket, oles dg minyak goreng, lalu lap.
Tuangkan stengah dari adonan, di putar2, biar ngak ngumpul di tengah.
Setelah matang ( bersarang) angkat.
Olesi dg margarine, taburi stengah dr adonan isi, lipat dan potong.
Masak lagi sisa bahan dengan cara yg sama.